Learn how to create RoR webapp
  • 10 hours total video
  • 18 completed modules
  • Full source code

Build Room Booking site like AirBnb with Ruby on Rails - LEVEL 3


What you will learn

How to structure a project for API purposes only
Understand good practice to use access token to secure API calls
Create GET, POST API requests to get and update data from client
Work with Stripe token to process Credit/Visa card
Test and debug your APIs with Postman
How to use simple React Native boilerplate to start your app
Create your own component, mobile screens
Handle Credit/Visa payment with Stripe via mobile app


This project is a series of 3 Projects (Pikachu, Kong, Godzilla) with 3 different levels (Level 1, 2, 3). We are going to build a platform like Booking or Airbnb.

In this project, I will walk you through the steps to develop apps like Booking, Hotels or Airbnb with core functionalities from scratch. You don't need to learn everything about HTML, CSS, Javascript or Ruby on Rails to just create a web application. In my methodology which I called POA (Product-Oriented-Approach), you just need to learn what you need. Doing this way, won't make you a superstar developer but will get you something REAL quickly and efficiently, especially for Entrepreneurs & Founders.

What features will we build in this LEVEL 3?
  • A Ruby on Rails API project
  • API requests to communicate with clients
  • A Mobile app with React Native running on the Android platform
  • [Mobile app] - Facebook Authentication
  • [Mobile app] - User Profile Details
  • [Mobile app] - Listing all rooms in the system
  • [Mobile app] - Display room details
  • [Mobile app] - Room Searching filter for location and staying duration
  • [Mobile app] - Booking a room
  • [Mobile app] - Credit/Visa payment form
  • [Mobile app] - Switching between Guest and Host mode
  • [Mobile app] - Displaying Your Reservations in Calendar mode
  • [Mobile app] - Approving/Declining booking requests



Room Redux


Display User's Info


Approve/Decline Reservations - P1

Course Content

Module 1 - Starter

Intro 3:12

Project's structure 2:03

Module 2 - [Part 1] - Task 1: API Project

Create new API Project 4:30

Adding existing database 4:14

Module 3 - [Part 1] - Task 2: Authentication API with Facebook

Facebook Access Token 4:24

User Authentication 7:20

Create User Controller 11:37

Testing Facebook Token 4:29

Module 4 - [Part 1] - Task 3: Room API

Room List 13:43

Room Details 18:45

Module 6 - [Part 1] - Task 5: Booking API

Booking Room Controller 10:13

Charging Function 9:20

Module 7 - [Part 1] - Task 6: Reservations API

Updating Reservation Controller 11:34

Approve/Decline Reservations 8:27

Download Source Code - Part 1

Module 8 - [Part 2] - Task 1: Installation

Read Me FIRST 1:22

Install Javascript Dependencies 5:24

Install Java Development Kit 1:30

Setting up Android development environment 7:23

Module 9 - [Part 2] - Task 2: Getting Started

Initialize React Native Project 4:22

Setting Android Emulator 4:25

Running Android Emulator from Terminal 2:49

Mobile Project's structure 8:54

Module 10 - [Part 2] - Task 3: Room Screen

Create Main Screen 4:21

Refactoring Room Screen 11:40

Room Redux 10:03

Room API 18:47

Module 11 - [Part 2] - Task 4: Redux

Understand Redux 5:19

Redux and React component 12:27

Why's Redux? 2:13

Module 12 - [Part 2] - Task 5: Room Details Screen

Refactoring Room Details Screen 7:22

Room Action and Reducer 8:36

Add Image and Host 10:14

Add Room Info 11:33

Add Godzilla Button 11:42

Module 13 - [Part 2] - Task 6: Facebook Authentication

Login Screen 12:36

Configure FBSDK 8:40

Setting Facebook App 9:18

Facebook API Request 9:48

Display User's Info 10:03

Store User's Info 11:46

Module 14 - [Part 2] - Task 7: Searching Filter

Create Basic Searching Filter 11:17

Add Location 6:06

Add Date Pickers 13:05

Godzilla Button 2:59

Action and Reducer 3:59

Searching Result 13:50

Module 15 - [Part 2] - Task 8: Booking

Create Booking Modal 6:29

Date Pickers 12:20

Booking API 14:28

Module 16 - [Part 2] - Task 9: Profile and Payment

Refactoring Profile Screen 11:48

Update Profile Screen 11:05

Payment API 7:31

Module 17 - [Part 2] - Task 10: Host Screen

Calendar and Profile 14:16

Show Your Listings 9:14

Create Calendar Modal 13:33

Display Dummy Reservation 14:29

Display Real Reservations 19:26

Approve/Decline Reservations - P1 7:06

Approve/Decline Reservations - P2 9:26

Module 18 - [Part 2] - Task 11: App Name and Icon

App Name 1:53

App Icon 3:16

Download Source Code - Part 2